Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Lucy Monroe blogged about characters, yesterday. She asked a question. I shared part of my answer there, but I'm sharing the rest here.


Frodo is my favorite character of all time. Sometimes a HEA isn't the right ending, but the story has to be finished anyway and it's the right end for the character. I don't believe there's a HEA for me, but the story has to be finished anyway and it will be the right ending for me.

I've featured Lucy as one of my heroes. She has over 50 published books and short stories. Honor is a huge theme in her books. Strength and courage and owning your decisions and actions feature strongly. I want to be more like her characters. Living boldly and ultimately choosing to not hide from their choices. She even has a heroine who is sociophobic. As she explored the character, I was able to examine my own sociophobia.

If I keep thinking the character needs therapy more than I do, it's not a good sign, so how do I choose favorite authors? I like their characters. Why do I like their characters? I admire their strength, courage, personal responsibility, honor...if I can't admire the character, why would I want to spend hours on end with them? I look to the characters to see what I might be able to learn. When I finish the story and feel inspired THAT is a great book and a keeper.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.