Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Heroes... John Adams...

I'm choosing John Adams first because he and Abigail are my favorite couple. Irving Stone wrote a fictionalized version of their life, using their personal letters and other documents, called Those Who Love.

John Adams was passionate about his vision for the future. Fortunately, his vision was tempered by other Founding Fathers, since John had leanings toward having a king of sorts.

I must admit that part of my admiration is born of having watched "1776." It's an amazing musical. The script was drafted from the records of the Congressional Congress, so though there are a few changes for the sake of condensing the story to fit the time allotted and adding a bit of drama, it's pretty accurate.

Okay, I love Abigail Adams. John comes with the package. She was such a remarkable woman.


  1. "1776" -- love it and John A. in it! I finally bought the Director's Cut DVD, but did I remember to watch it on Independence Day? No! :-/


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.