Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Healthy eating...

I'm trying to learn to slow down my eating. Kara suggested I try to take 45 minutes to eat. My first thought was that it wouldn't be a problem. Then I tried it. Wow. It's a lot harder than I thought. It is helpful to be mindful. So, I'm going to be mindful here until I'm doing it most of the time.

Tuesday: Breakfast went okay, but then I only had Carnation Instant Breakfast and a croissant. It was yummy. :-) I ate better the rest of the day, as well, though not particularly slow.

Wednesday: Still not eating particularly slow, but eating more healthfully.

Thursday: Okay, so my weight is up a little. I find it makes a difference if I eat the majority of my calories earlier in the day, which I didn't do yesterday. I'll do better, today.

Friday: Not so much, today. I woke at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep. I proceeded to eat throughout the day to stay awake.

Saturday: Started better today. Drinking my water on the schedule recommended makes a difference, but I don't always remember.

Sunday: I tried to take a day off, today. I was partially successful. I've done better with my eating today. Stress finally isn't front and center.

Monday: Finished some foods I shouldn't have, but they're gone now. A dear friend stopped for a visit and helped me put things in perspective.

Tuesday: I did okay, until I realized my alone time stacation is almost over. I'm getting rid of my extra junk food by eating it. Not a wise choice. Dear God help me. I cannot do this alone.


  1. Good Morning Dear Judy! Oh how we struggle with our eating issues! I have been doing the same, trying to get back on my diet program, I.E. change of eating plan to lose some more weight. I have lost 50 pounds, but have more to lose, and am determined to see this to completion of my goal~ Easier said than done, because I'm zoning out part of the time. Zoning out means I'm just saying one thing with my mouth, and eating wrong things with my mouth. sigh~ I think maybe one secret would be to pray before eating....not just prayer over the food, but praying about what the LORD would have us eat. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our choices and timing. I find that I eat when I'm not hungery. That would not be what the LORD would want. Here is something I read one time: "Can you see Jesus coming out of a store carrying 13 small bags of potato chips and 13 bottles of soda?" Let that think sink in! Ask yourself/myself, "WOULD JESUS BE EATING THIS?"

    Let's pray for each other here! Keep in touch! ♥♥♥

  2. Hi Judy,

    I'm back from my trip and I wanted to report that I tried the "Water Plan" and it worked like a treat, it's quite easy to remember. Thanks so much for sharing it! :)
    Also while I was away I was pondering on why everybody eats so fast, I think it's to do with the rhythm of modern life, with the expectation of having to do things quickly all the time. Maybe it's not just eating that we need to slow down but the rhythm of everyday life too. I'm not saying that we should be slow all the time (sometimes we just have to deal with things fast) but that we become more aware of when rushing is what's needed and of when rushing is pointless.

    1. Hope you had an enjoyable trip! So glad to hear the water plan is working! It works for me as long as I remember. LOL! For me, the eating fast is more about the insanity of what I grew up in. Now that I've figured out several things, I think I can make this work better. I enjoyed a raspberry white chocolate croissant and hot cocoa, this morning, at my favorite eatery, P.Croissant, and I savored every bite. :-D

    2. I had a great time, thanks! I'll be posting some photos on my blog.
      I think food is a massive issue in Nfamilies. My mother had me once sit for four hours at the table until I'd finished a boiled potato (I'd eaten everything else in the plate). I was about ten years old. To this day my hearts sinks whenever I get an overfilled plate, whether at a restaurant or a friend's house.
      Raspberry white chocolate croissant sounds lovely, I have never seen that over here. My favourite is croissant filled with Serrano ham. :)

    3. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos!

      Ugh, sorry to hear about the boiled potato. I remember my NM force-feeding me cooked oatmeal. To this day, I can't stand the smell of it, nor the taste of it, in anything. In fact, I actually can't eat it because I'm allergic to bran, of which oatmeal is a great source. I was lucky I managed to grow up. I love a filled plate at a restaurant as I order a to-go box at the same time I order my meal and as soon as it comes out, I put more than half in the box. :-) So far, my friends have let me serve myself. Mmmmm Serrano ham on a croissant sounds delicious. I don't think I've ever had it. I'm sure it's available in the specialty deli section of the grocery store, though it probably isn't as good as what you have. :-D


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.