Saturday, July 28, 2012

In light of recent events...

I cannot imagine the sorrow of those whose lives changed in seconds, last weekend.

There is the story of the girl who lived because the bullet followed a defect in her brain, a channel she was probably born with and never would have known about if not for the bullet traveling on the path. There are those who think that the miracle of her life doesn't justify the deaths. They're right, it doesn't, but neither does it make it any less a miracle. They also don't understand that no one is justifying anything. She experienced a miracle, and we are grateful. It was a miracle more people weren't killed. It was tragic 12 people were murdered by an evil man.

There are those who question where God was in all of the mayhem. Free will is a gift. Some abuse it. If God punished all those who abuse the gift, no one would do anything wrong. Free will would cease to be free will. Free will only exist if there is a genuine choice to be made. The criminal chooses evil.

God sorrows over those who choose evil, and rejoices over those who choose good. He will influence as we allow Him to do so. It is my responsibility to do as much as I am able to choose good for myself and to not turn a blind eye to those who choose evil.

There were heroes who died that day, protecting someone else. I don't imagine the thought is truly comforting, especially when there will now be an empty place at the table. Those they saved will struggle with survivor's guilt.

The question becomes: Will I honor their sacrifice by living my life well or dishonor them by wrapping my life in anger and bitterness?

You see, this is a question I'm allowed to ask. My sister bargained for me with the pedophile on our street. She has repeatedly endeavored to protect me over the years. Blessedly, she didn't have to die for me, though I've no doubt she would have if expected.

Jesus Christ bled and suffered in Gethsemane and died on the cross then resurrected, overcoming death, for me.

Will I honor their sacrifices and live my life to the best of my ability?

I will.

I'll make lots of mistakes, but I will not give up or give in.

My heroes: Those who have given their lives for someone else. May I have the strength and courage to live in a way that honors their sacrifice.

1 comment:

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.