Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #109...

~A different version of Mikeschair's Someone Worth Dying For
As I listen, I feel this song down to my soul.

~Thank you, God, for inspiring musicians.

~My sister, for sharing the fun in her kitchen.

~Another book off to the editor.

~NASCAR I really do love it. Unfortunately, Carl came in 20th, fuel issues. Next time. :-)


  1. I had a wonderful ‘God hug’ this morning and it came through you with the aid of You Tube. Something happened yesterday that distressed me; on waking this morning I felt quite ill and overwhelmed. My symptoms miraculously disappeared after watching ‘I Have to Believe’

    In 1985 Mother Teresa addressed the UN:
    ‘Lord, make me a channel of your peace.
    That where there is hatred I may bring love!’

    Thank you ((Judy)) you are an Angel!

    Molly x

    1. (((Molly))) You're welcome and thank you.

      Mother Teresa was such an amazing woman.

      Think I'll go hunt down I Have to Believe. :-)

    2. Oh. I haven't watched the video in a while, and finishing up the latest manuscript has meant some incredibly long days. I love Mikeschair. Thanks, Molly, for reminding me to breathe down to my soul.

  2. Sorry Judy, looks like I am making up my own titles. :-[ Of course I meant Mikeschairs Someone Worth Dying For. I think, 'I Have To Believe' was a Freudian Slip connected with what upset me yesterday.

    1. No, it's the chorus. I often refer to songs by the chorus rather than the title. I can remember the chorus. :-) If you hadn't made the slip, I wouldn't have gone looking, and I really needed to hear it. I picked the song for today's post a few weeks ago. It's been a rough few weeks, and the other day I asked for a breadcrumb. It was right under my nose all along and didn't know it, and would have missed it without your help. God can take anything and work it for good.

  3. Happy Sonday!!! ♥♥♥

    1. :-) Like that. Thanks, Cathy. You, too! ♥


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.