Monday, July 9, 2012

Carpe diem... writing...

Laundry, of course, will need to be done.

Otherwise, I have some transcribing I need to work on, a good morning activity, when my brain isn't quite engaged yet.

Then there's a bit of reading I want to do, which is also research for my own writing. I'm going to finish Diane Gaston's latest book. I'm loving it!

And lastly, I've lots of writing to do. My brain was essentially absent last week. I have the beginning and the end written, so it's time to finish filling in the middle.

Rumor has it 64,000 computers were to go dark at midnight, last night, due to malware. All kinds of sites were offered to have your computer scanned. Unfortunately, I can't use any of them because of the nature of some of my work. So, please God, watch over my computer and keep me connected to my friends.

Update: I'm here! Thanks God.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.