Tuesday, January 18, 2011

GOP disbands Global Warming Committee...

This was one of the posts over at Fellowship of the Minds.

They included part of the Committee's report of all the good they had accomplished. Not unexpected since such a committee would want to be remembered favorably. That being said, how does one justify perpetuating a lie? I have a personal conviction of the lie because a scientist I know and admire, who proved at least six different ways that the theory of global warming was wrong, years ago. Al Gore despicably went to great lengths to roast this honorable man.

When I saw the article reporting the end of the committee I posted this reply:

Jaw-dropping surprise. *wild cheering*

The committee’s arrogance is appalling. How can they possibly pat themselves on the back for a job well done, when even their own scientists admit it was based on lies?

Is the climate changing? Absolutely! The planet is not static, but to have the audacity to suggest that puny man is so powerful he controls the weather is beyond absurd; it’s ludicrous.

Will there be flooding? Yes. And there will be droughts. There will also be volcanoes and hurricanes and tornadoes. Welcome to Planet Earth, ever changing Sun Star included free! Don’t like the weather? Get over it! Earth has never been peaceful and tranquil everywhere, ever. So why is it expected now? Because they want it that way? How nice to believe that simply because you want it just so, it will happen, but not particularly practical.

Did they mention that many of those dollars in that stimulus bill disappeared when those companies went belly up because they weren’t actually viable? (The solar panel company sound familiar?) It takes more energy to recycle than to simply throw things away. We have to wash out anything plastic we recycle, and yet we’re supposed to conserve water. Many of the recycling plants simply throw away what is put in the recycling bins because it’s too expensive to recycle. It costs more to recycle than what they can make from it. It other words: They are losing money! What company would be allowed to survive if it’s cost for output was higher than it brought in? (not including green companies, of course.) If I spend more than I make, I can be prosecuted.

Those brilliant committee members now have time on their hands, so they need to go out and find a cheaper, more efficient way to make those green dreams come true, at the same time making more jobs, without being subsidized. When they do that, then they can brag about the wonderful things they did. For now, they’re only adding more hot air to the environment.

Why DC is under snow, I don’t know. You’d think with all that hot air the place would be snow free.

Hope I didn’t inadvertently say anything “illegal.” Clearly, I’ve been dealing with too much “your rhetoric is so… rabid,” simply because I don’t agree with the everything-would-be-perfect-if-you-would-just-cooperate crowd.

I found this quote at The Blaze in Stu Burguiere's blog, a few days after I posted the above, and decided to add it here.

MIT climatologist Richard Lindzen: "Wasting resources on symbolically fighting ever present climate change is no substitute for prudence. Nor is the assumption that the earth’s climate reached a point of perfection in the middle of the twentieth century a sign of intelligence."


  1. My goodness - you certainly are passionate here. I've heard the same passion on the other side of the aisle.

    Which is great. I love that Americans are able to think for ourselves, speak our minds, and still be friends.

    For me - much to my sister's horror - I don't much believe in global warning. In college, I took a geology course and the professor spoke quite knowledgably about the subject. He didn't much believe in it either. As you said, he felt this good old earth of ours was, is, and always will be, changing.

    Now - change can be scary. I honestly don't want flooding from melting ice caps, but when you look at Ohio - we used to be under a HUGE glacier. That was before my time.

    Personally, I do what I can to make as small a carbon print as possible, but I don't lose sleep over it.

    Have a good day - though I do so hope the sun will shine sometime within the near future. We've been under cloud cover for what seems like weeks, months, years!

  2. My sister is fond of saying, "I much prefer global warming to the alternative, another ice age." :-)

    Talking about anything controversial has always been taboo in my family, especially if I was on the "wrong" side. Here, I'm trying to learn to allow myself to say what I'm thinking and feeling. And yet, I also want to be more inspiring than gloom and doom. LOL!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.