Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thank goodness it's Sunday #35...

This video, Creation Calls -- are you listening? Music by Brian Doerksen, was posted at one of the blogs I follow, Fellowship of the Minds, and I wanted to share the sense of breathtaking awe I felt as I watched it.

Joel Osteen's message, today, was about the boll weevils of life. He related the history of the boll weevil in Enterprise, Alabama, where they trade out cotton for peanuts because boll weevils don't like peanuts. (Maybe their allergic.) It saved the town, which made more money on peanuts than it ever did on cotton. Joel talked about how problems in life, no matter what form they take, God is able to make into blessings. I'm feeling like the job situation is a boll weevil. I know God is in control, but sometimes I'm still afraid. Afraid I won't recognize the door God opens for me. Afraid I'll run into a wall. Afraid I'll make a mess. The fears are not ungrounded. I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. A lot of them. I frequently make life harder than it needs to be by virtue of my inept handling of some situations. Trying to take to heart Joel's final thought: "If there are boll weevils in your life, then peanuts are coming." Looking forward to peanuts.

In less than two hours, I made mash potatoes, steak, and mixed vegetables, ate it, cleaned up, and enjoyed cheesecake with blueberry sauce. I haven't made mash potatoes in years, but my potato ricer showed up in the mail yesterday (Christmas money), and I had to try it out. Yummy! It worked great! I also, for the first time, made a delicious gravy from the stuff at the bottom of the pan in which I cooked the steak. More cooking therapy. :-)

Packers won! Whoohoo! Great game!

Good friends and good books.


  1. Boll weevils and fleas. God uses even the smallest creatures.

  2. Even the fleas? Yes, even the fleas. :-D Ruth, thanks for that reminder, too!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.