Tuesday, January 4, 2011

On the eleventh day of Christmas...

My true love gave to me adventures!

I've lived on three different continents, done a wide variety of jobs, attended enough classes for a bachelor's degree (if only they were all in one course of study), traveled extensively, read ferociously, tried new things, explored new places, made remarkable friends that expand my heart and my world.

Then there are adventures like today. I used my last check in the current bunch and needed to find the next one. But where did I put it? I searched for two hours. High and low. Seemingly everywhere. I knew I couldn't find it on my own. I prayed. I looked in some of the same places (and sorted through some things while I was at it for throwing away and giving away), and looked places I hadn't yet. I endeavored to analyze my own thought process. Of course, I made sure I put it some place where it would be safe. And it was, even from me. No luck. I was beginning to feel frustrated and a little desperate. I prayed again, more intensely. Yes, it was found in the last place I looked (a silly observation if ever there was one), but it truly was incredibly well hidden. And I wouldn't have found it without God's help because I didn't know it was there. Those are not my favorite kind of adventures, but adventures nonetheless. It did give me the opportunity to rid myself of quite a few things I no longer need and find some things I'd forgotten and wanted more accessible. AND I most certainly exercised. :-) So, all in all, not a bad adventure.


  1. ah, yes, the unexpected day of stretch and bend, lift, toss, pause to scratch head... repeat. Been there many a time:-)

  2. Adventure=exercise interesting possibilities.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.