Friday, January 7, 2011

It happens in a blink...

I love the song "Blink" by Revive.

Life has been a bit more adventurous than I like. Routines are good. God likes to shake things up, especially when He sees a greater opportunity available. There's been a bit of upheaval with work because of all the new regulations. Yesterday, it was intimated that I may not have a job any more. ACK! I endeavored to remain calm, and trust God. Not easy, when I already know that God can and will throw me under the bus if He sees a higher purpose to it all. Not comforting to me, in the short run. I know that in the long run His plan is always better, not easier, better. In fact, God's way is the hard way. God isn't interested in the easy way; He wants the most bang for His buck. Huge error in judgement: People believe that if they trust in God, it will be easy. NOT. If you trust in God, the worst in life is bearable, and the best in life is even better.

I struggled with the possible implications, and though I turned it over to God, yesterday, I struggled with it again, today. Do I truly believe God has my best interest at heart? Am I truly willing to accept whatever He sends my way? Yesterday, I tackled the work I had, and by the time I finished, I was at peace. Today, I made cheesecake. I couldn't afford shopping therapy, especially if I was losing work, but cooking therapy is great too, especially now that I'm better about portion sizes. Still using up that six-year-old cream cheese. And it is delicious! Remembered some of my old cooking secrets. Yummy.

Finally, I felt at peace, not because I accepted that the job might be gone, but that I decided I wasn't going to worry about it, today, or tomorrow, or the next day. I'd worry about it Monday, when I'd be given more information. I settled. Then I received a phone call, asking if I'd be willing to help out, part time. I don't know if I'll be paid. I don't care. It is something to do! Something to keep me busy, in a useful way. Everyone needs to be needed, to feel like they contribute, even if they pretend otherwise. I'm looking forward to a change in my routine. I'll miss some things about my old routine, but look forward to the adventure God is leading. I trust HIm a little bit more.

Unexpected result: I have never had a lock on my bedroom door. Ever. I hate that. I unearthed my trusty screwdriver, and went hunting for a doorknob I could use. The first one I tried couldn't be fully dismantled. Fine. Then, God inspired, I know, I checked my storage room door. Whoohoo!! A locking mechanism. It's never used. I traded. All by myself. I did it. Now, I have a door that locks!! I'm so excited. I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! Not really, but I feel damn good.


  1. LOL I love the ending of your post (actually the WHOLE thing is good)... goodness, but this has been a tumultous couple of days for you.

    I am praying very hard that God will bless you with whatever it is you need and want. That is a very tall order, and He knows best how to fill it. Yes, trusting is very scary. I agree. There are people on the same road with you. Congratulations on the LOCK! That is awesome. I would not know how to do that, AND, I have NEVER made a cheesecake. I guess I could follow a recipe, but I have no flair for cooking.

    You can install door locks AND cook! :)

    Love to you.

  2. *blush* (((Mary))) Thanks. It was a truly blessed day when God introduced us.

  3. It's definitely hard not to worry when drastic change like this comes our way. How we deal with the news of the change is part of the process of that good thing God is trying to instill in us. He doesn't expect us to not worry about it, because we are human after all -- but He does want us to grow into that sense of trust in His greater plan and leave the big stuff to Him while we move on, trusting. You're doing just that, my dear!

    Having been thrown under the bus a couple of times and then pulled out again intact and marveling, I know how to pray for you in these coming days. May that joy and peace you are discovering now stay with you through it all.

    And YAY for locking doors and cheesecake! <3

  4. (((Margaret))) Thank you!! You are one of my rocks!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.