Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thank goodness it's Sunday #37...

~GO PACKERS!!! Whoohoo!!

~Cool siblings.

~Awesome friends.


~Good books.

I was saddened to see that Jack LaLanne had passed away, today. I remember watching my grandmother exercise with him, in the morning, when I was a little girl. Yes, way back when, when television was still in black and white.


  1. Go Pack Go! ;-)

    I was sad to hear of Jack L.'s passing, too. He was very much a part of my growing up -- always liked to watch his show, even if we weren't exercising with him! But he lived a long amazing healthy life, and his example has renewed my goal to get better exercise this year!

  2. I like that idea of a tribute to Jack L by work toward making my own life healthier. I saw an infommerical with him recently and loved his exercise routine. It was so simple and easy. It would be a great way to start back into working out. I also loved his positive attitude and the obvious adoration between he and his wife, Elaine. God bless her.

  3. I just taped him on a PBS show the other night. It brought back such wondrous memories. And that he was still with his wife of all those years!

    What a great man. He will be missed.

  4. Yes, he will. I'll have to keep my eyes open for that PBS special. Thanks for the heads up, Sharron!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.