Thursday, January 27, 2011


K-LOVE (a Christian radio station) is challenging their listeners to choose a word for the year. My first reaction was, yeah, whatever. How about discouraged? Immediately flashed in my mind: REJOICE! What? Rejoice? My main bread-and-butter job is in limbo. Certain people in my life are thinking the worst of me, not that it's a surprise, but it's a bit stressful when they are telling you they wish you weren't around. Then I thought, Rejoice in Adversity. Oh.

Don't you hate it when God speaks so clearly to your heart that He might as well have said it out loud for all the world to hear? Oh. That's my job.

So. REJOICE! God is in control. God is good. God never forgets us. God loves us, no matter what. God is Hope and Love. So if you feel even a little hope and/or love, then you are feeling God. If you aren't feeling hope and/or love, then take a moment to count your blessings and remember that all good things come from God.

REJOICE! Even in adversity.


  1. "So if you feel even a little hope and/or love, then you are feeling God."



  2. hey judy,
    thanks for your comments. glad you had a laugh!
    here's what i was thinking about for that title on the photo.

    God bless you in everything you do!

    nikonsniper steve

  3. Okay, now I'm laughing again.

    This is the link to Steve's photo:

    Or just visit his blog. Stunning pictures.

  4. and btw ... REJOICE ... is perfect!
    when we feel crushed ... REJOICE.
    when we soar with eagles ... REJOICE.
    God is good. His mercy endureth to all generations.
    great reminder!
    nikonsniper steve

  5. Amen.

    Thanks, nikonsniper steve. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.