Saturday, January 8, 2011

Prayer warriors...

I've always wanted to be one. My struggle with trust in God makes it difficult sometimes, and yet, I have no doubt God is there. God is not simply there but aware and pro-active. A day does not go by that He does not make His love for me evident in one way or another. Blessedly, there are people in my life who are awesome prayer warriors. I know that their prayers strengthen me, encourage me, and lift me. Prayer warriors not only believe in God but believe He will help and ask for that help. Prayer warriors believe and do. I'm learning to follow their examples.

Today, I pray for those who have been touched by violence, most especially those who have suffered in the shooting, this morning, in Tucson. I know there are those who would ask where is God, but I know that God did not abandon. His ways are not our ways. Evil exists and struggles to fight against God. Free will is what it is: the freedom to act for ourselves. We decide if we will choose good or evil, each and every one of us. That being said, no matter what we choose, God is able to work all things for good, eventually. Evil will loose, in the end, but it will also cause as much damage as possible before the end. I cannot accept responsibility for someone else's choices, only my own. I choose to trust God. I choose to pray for peace and comfort for the victims and their families. I also pray for those responsible that justice will be served and that I will be able to release the anger and desire for vengeance and leave them to the proper channels and God.

1 comment:

  1. I like the thought of Prayer warriors. Beautifully written. A lot to think about.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.