Friday, February 10, 2012

Game Changer...

Last weekend was a game changer: Life Changing.

In truth, this week has been one life change after another or building on the ones occurring.

On Saturday, I met Jimmy Thomas. Most people don't know what this means to me. I'll be writing about it, tomorrow, in more depth. Yes, I've had him as one of my heroes before, but it was before I met him.

On Sunday, I read this: Casa Blanca Authors had a post by Anne Elizabeth:

The Navy SEALs have also made a huge difference in my life. No, I don't know any, but I've read Marcus Luttrell's Lone Survivor and Dick Couch's The Warrior Elite, and SEAL of Honor is next on the list.

Monday, one of my FaceBook friends, met because of Jimmy, posted an article about bodybuilding. No, I don't plan to pursue it, but it had some great suggestions I could modify to fit and help me. I'm tired of being overweight. She also gave me a lot of ideas of other things I could do to implement the changes I want.

Tuesday, I decided I'd had enough of secrets.

Wednesday, I signed up for my first writers' conference. A friend emailed inviting me to attend the Ren Faire this weekend, in costume, of course.

Thursday, I bought a Kindle as a reward for going through with my eye appointment. I was seriously stressing. No, nothing is wrong, but it doesn't keep me from imagining the worst. I also met with a couple of my writing friends for lunch. It was delightful! I gave two people business cards at Sam's Club. After looking at myself in the mirror to put in my new contacts, I knew I had to make more changes. I didn't like what I saw. My sister has taken pictures giving me a peek into what she sees. I like it. I want it. So I came home and emailed my niece, who is a Mary Kay consultant and has fun with fashion, and asked her to help me. She suggested meeting me at a salon, in a half hour. EEP! I confessed I wasn't quite THAT ready. We're meeting this weekend to chat. Four in the afternoon to midnight, I fought with my Kindle, but I did prevail. Whoohoo!! I read for five minutes, and let it go to sleep, so I could go to sleep.

It's Friday, and I have to do the work I didn't do yesterday and become more familiar with my Kindle.


  1. How's it going for you after deciding not to be secretive?

    You are ahead of me in the Kindle-type-thing department. I haven't taken that step as yet. I'm glad you got yours to obey you!

    1. So far, so good.

      I don't think it obeyed me as much as I figured it out. Amazon has committed the cardinal sin: They ASSUME everyone has easy access to Wi-Fi. I'm okay without it. They have a cute little "Get Started" card that instructs you to connect to Wi-Fi and go. They only need to add one sentence: If you don't have easy access to Wi-Fi, then go to: Amazon addy for no Wi-Fi for your Kindle.

      I still prefer real books. :-)

    2. Spoke too soon. Already hearing, "Are you getting your work done on your book?"

      THIS is why I said nothing. I've been doing this for six years, without any prompting, thank you very much. sigh.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.