Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sharing the Journey is going away...

... or not. The Google Join this Site feature is going away, on March 1, 2012. Thanks, Google. Not. Now that the snarkiness is out of my system, moving on. I'll learn as I go.

Tomorrow, Google will combine all its information it has on you. People ask me why I'm not worried. My brother works for them. They already know everything, or can easily find out. What's the point of worrying about something that's already happened? For those who are not accustomed to such invasiveness, I imagine it's unsettling and frustrating. I can't empathize. I don't get it.

I've lived my life under a microscope, either someone else's or my own. No one tears me apart as well as I do. I try to live my life with the thought in mind "I live in a fish bowl." I understand I can't hide anything from God. God is perfect. God isn't tolerant. At all. He is forgiving, but not tolerant. His expectations are high. I make mistakes, a lot of them. He knows it. I know He knows it.

Have I been judged harshly by others? Are there those who think they have the right? Yep. Then I remind myself God's ways are not man's ways. God's ways cannot be frustrated. God does not make evil good, but He is able to take the evil done, and turn the mess to good for His children.

In JRR Tolkien's The Silmarillian, Iluvatar, The One, creates the Ainur, the Holy Ones, who create the world and all there is through music. One of the Holy Ones, Melkor, is bent on creating discord, and yet no matter how discordant he creates his music, Iluvatar is able to weave it into the fabric to form harmony.

I can live in fear over things I cannot control, or I can LIVE my life. I'm choosing to LIVE MY LIFE.

Happy Leap Day!!


  1. What will Google provide in its place, anything? Guess I'll stop by tomorrow and see what looks different. ;-)

    I'm not really concerned about the "changeover" tomorrow, either. I already have what privacy features I am allowed in place, so I'm not sure I'll be treated any differently than I have been. The internet is not really a private place to begin with, so we might as well live our lives and enjoy the freedom it does give us in so many other ways!

    1. Hear! Hear! :-) The only consistency in life is change. ;-D

  2. You know, I'm still confused about the whole new policy. Will it really make it easier for people to find blogs like Kiki's, DH's, or mine? I don't understand how, or even how the changes will directly affect me.

    1. I'm not sure either, Jonsi, but then I don't blog anonymously here, so I'm not too worried. Granted, I don't use my full name, but it isn't difficult to find. I know quite a few people who have migrated to WordPress already. I'll be curious to see how all this pans out in the end. For now, I'm keeping this blog here. I may change my mind later, depending on how intrusive it turns out.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.