The 18th: weigh in: 229.8 lb. Two-mile walk, with my sister. It's for fun. Please, God, get me through the next few days without any major slip ups, since my brain will be on vacation for the next few days. Thanks.
The 19th: weigh in: 229.4 lb.
The 20th: weigh in: 230 lb. SEAL puppy rep. No walk, today, as much as I would have preferred it, the body simply isn't up to it. Another SEAL puppy rep. Physical therapy, done. A new brain, please? No luck? Okay. I'll keep working with what I have.
The 21st: weigh in 228.8 lb. Not celebrating the weight loss, since it's more due to eating very little than anything else.
The 22nd: weigh in: 228.2 lb. SEAL puppy rep. Short walk around the house. SEAL puppy rep. Physical therapy. Back is sore from so much lying down. Yes, finding myself between a rock and a hard place. Not feeling well enough to stay up, but in so much pain the only way to relieve it is to lie down. Talk about a Catch 22.
The 23rd: weigh in: 228.8 lb. Waist circumference:39". Wow.... I slipped into a jeans skirt I've never been able to wear before. I'm noticing hairstyles when I watch programs, and I'm trying them. It's... fun. Now, if only my body would pull itself together. I'm endeavoring to do what is within my power, but it truly is out of my hands. Sigh. Dear God, I've done all I know how to do. It's in Your hands now.
Inspiration, at least to me:
Your past doesn't define you. Let it go...

give yourself that pat on the back for doing what you can. The results don't always come, but that doesn't mean you haven't done what you were able to do at the time.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Janet. I'm looking in the mirror and liking what I see. It's been years since I've been down to this weight. Can't complain.