Friday, February 24, 2012

Thanks God....

I know I usually make Sunday my gratitude day, but I needed this today.

Thanks God for friends and family who are supportive. You know who you are.

Thanks God for Starbucks, and the wonder of my Kindle. I turned on the Wireless, and the books I bought this week downloaded, while I enjoyed a hot chocolate and a chocolate croissant. Yummy. It was a wonderful break.

Thanks God for protecting me from some of the nutty drivers out there.

Thanks God for the new start to another season of NASCAR.

Thanks God for help with working on my writing.

Thanks God for helping me feel better. I'm not back up to where I was before I became sick, but I am so much better than I was on Monday, when it was growing tough to make it through five more minutes.

Thanks God for helping me sleep better.

Thanks God for eye candy. :-D

Thanks God for those who share their stories, inspiring me and lifting me, even when their stories are difficult and painful.

Thanks God for the laughter and the peace.

Thanks God for warm memories of my babies. I miss them. For those who don't know me well, I was loved by a dog and a horse.

Thanks God for those who serve with honor and courage.

Thanks God for heroes. Please bless the families of those killed in the line of duty.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.