Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Heroes... Jimmy Thomas...

Yes, my sister took several pictures, but this is my favorite.

Yes, I've mentioned him before, from time to time, especially this past week. I've even had him as one of my early heroes. Now, I've met him. If you don't like fan-girl type gushing, then I suggest skipping today's post. This is for me.

First impression: He is gorgeous.

I watched my friend Deena Remiel speak with him, so at ease, and wished I were someone else. Someone with fewer issues, about a lot of things. My sister had offered to take pictures. It's why he was there, to take pictures with anyone who wanted one.

My anxiety was already escalating being in such a crowded venue. Yes, I have difficulties in crowds and unfamiliar situations and surroundings, not to mention men. I hadn't eaten much for breakfast, crackers and a breakfast drink, early in the morning, with the hope of not embarrassing myself.

My sister found a fellow photo enthusiast, and they began chatting. I stood with them, only half listening, as I watched Deena and Jimmy chat.

The anxiety began to climb, and I knew if I wanted to meet him I'd have to do it soon, or I'd drag my sister away, and leave, without making any attempt to meet him.

Important note: I'm one of his "harem." The harem was started by Shannon, and bless her she posts pictures of Jimmy throughout the day. She also posts inspirational quotes. When the harem found out I would be at the Chocolate Affaire, they demanded I come back with pictures to share.

Would they kick me out of the harem, if I didn't at least try? Yes, I'm being facetious. I was trying to work up the courage, but I also knew they would be disappointed.

Then I hit on a plan I knew I could live with and dated me terribly: I walked up and asked Deena to introduce us. She did. Bless her. She wondered if she'd used the right name (real or pen), and I admitted he would only know me from the harem (real name), so to speak. He was kind. His hug was warm and gentle.

I felt safe.

Because I'd worked up the courage, my sister also came over, and he shook her hand. He was respectful and considerate.

Bless Deena, again, we were able to chat for a while. He took pictures with me, his arm around me, and with Deena and with both of us. It was fun. It was huge for someone with my past.

I felt safe.

It was interesting to watch him interact with people. He didn't push anyone to interact with him. He allowed them to approach him, and proceeded to charm them. He has a remarkable gift for putting others at ease, and the honor to not take advantage of such a powerful gift.

There is about him a quiet, gentle strength.

I felt safe.

He didn't mind giving me another hug when I left. He was kind.

He is gorgeous, from the inside out.


  1. Judy,I am sure you got a second hug because you were warm and welcoming and you have a lovely smile. A photograph and memory to treasure!!

    1. Thank you, Molly!

      Ruth actually took several pictures. Jimmy doesn't take a bad picture, but this is the best one of me. :-)

  2. Lovely photo. And now I know what you look like! : ) Cute!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.