Friday, February 3, 2012

The only constant in life is...


I've noticed Blogger has changed the comment section. One is now able to reply specifically to a comment. Cool.

Promotional video for the Desert Dreams Writer's Conference, compliments of Kris Tualla, on You Tube

Did you know that the groundhog tradition is less reliable than a coin toss?

I'm feeling scattered. Can you tell?


I'm on day 10 of my cold. The runny nose is over. Thank goodness. The stuffy head is not over. The voice is iffy. The brain is still mostly absent, and I have to keep functioning.

While I'm feeling completely inept and unproductive because some projects I need to work on aren't seeing any progress, I have to admit I've accomplished quite a bit. I'm still sleeping a lot more than I usually do.

Trying a different tact. Instead of beating myself up over not accomplishing anything, I'm going to anticipate only accomplishing the minimum. Work has to be done. No questions. It's half done now. What should have taken a couple of hours I spent a whole workday doing, and only finished half. Should have been a clue.

I did gather all my tax information and deliver it to my accountant. Done. Whoohoo!! Not that it's good news, but putting it off will not make it better. So shut up, buck up, and get it done. Done.

Epic fail in the eating healthy department. I love Cheese Fix Munchies. I divided part of the bag among six containers, but finished the rest of the bag, along with four more Dove Promises pieces. Success anywhere in sight? I didn't eat the whole bag of chips. I really did leave the six servings alone. And I didn't eat an entire bag of Dove Promises, only what was left in an already open bag that I have been very good about parceling out in single servings. So, it was good I wasn't as bad as I could have been, and have been in the past, but I'm going to feel this binge tomorrow.

Made a couple of decisions, but haven't found the wherewithal to carry them out. I'm not going to beat myself up over it, much. I don't know why I feel like I have to work up the courage to carry them through, but I do. Maybe because they're new. Doesn't really matter, I suppose. I'll get it done, eventually.

I did arrange for an eye appointment. It's time is all. Overdue, in fact.

Crawling into bed early because I'm having trouble stringing together more than two sentences at a time.


  1. I appreciate mulderfan's encouragement, "Progress not perfection."

  2. I actually don't like the nested comments, and disabled that option on my blog. I know, I know - a lot of people like them. I'm just not one of them.

    Re: this part of what you wrote:

    Trying a different tact. Instead of beating myself up over not accomplishing anything, I'm going to anticipate only accomplishing the minimum.

    I love this! I too beat up myself when I feel I haven't been productive enough - as if I had to "earn" feeling good about myself! Bah! Going to stop that, late New Year's Resolution...

    1. You can change it? Nice to know.

      Not easy to be kind to one's self. Working on it.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.