Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Beth Trissel and Teri Wilson

Red Bird's Song by Beth Trissel was a page-turning early American history romance. Wicomechee is now one of my heroes. Would have I have the strength and courage of Charity? Beth's descriptions of the locations are vivid and breathtaking.

Alaskan Hearts by Teri Wilson is a Christian romance. I've been a fan of Teri's for a long time. The first of her books I read was Cup of Joe. I've also read Do You Heat What I Hear? and Love, Lilies and The Unbroken Straw. All her stories are sweet and have animals. Rodeo Redemptionand Rodeo Rescue are in my TBR pile.


  1. Thanks for the lovely comments about Red Bird's Song, Judy.

    1. You're most welcome! I loved it and was terribly sorry it was over when I reached the end.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.