Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Healthy eating redux...

Wednesday: Started the day with my water. Good start. Breakfast was yummy and it took me almost a half hour to make it through. I have to sit at my computer. It requires me to put my fork down and breath between bites while I type.

Thursday: Started the day at P.Croissant. I indulged in a raspberry white chocolate croissant and hot chocolate. I wish I could do this every day. LOL! I finished off the last of my not-favorite junk food. It would have been healthier to throw it away. My Scottish heart simply couldn't. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.

This thought occurred to me: If I were to die tomorrow, would I be sorry I hadn't eaten more sweets? I'm surprised to find myself regretting that I haven't fought harder to eat healthy.

Friday: I worked at being more aware, and pausing between bites. Mind you, I would be half way through the meal before I'd remember, but I'm learning. It makes a difference.

Saturday: I tried to be aware of my hunger, when I became hungry. I noticed I tend to ignore it. Today, I worked at eating a healthy meal and then something light and another healthy meal and ending with something light, eating every 3-4 hours.

Sunday: I slept until after noon. Really. Yeah, I can't remember the last time that happened either. I think I did okay with my eating. We'll see, tomorrow.

Monday: Hey! I managed to take a whole 7 minutes to eat my hamburger. That's twice as long as it took when I started this.

Tuesday: I'm slowing down my eating, and enjoying it. Whoohoo! Tummy is a bit unhappy, tonight, so didn't attend writer's meeting. Whew. I would have been miserable. I need to learn to take care of me.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.