Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Eating and sleeping...

Wednesday: Though I woke at 3am, I was able to go back to sleep. Thank you, God. Feeling okay, today, so far. I'm knee deep in editing. I actually enjoy it, for the most part.

Thursday: Storms last night so slept very little. I'm an incredibly light sleeper. Not complaining. it simply is. Ate okay, today. Read an article about a chef losing weight. He said you can't lose weight if you don't sleep. Hmmm...something for me to think about. Going to bed early, tonight. If I wake up early, so be it.

Friday: Last night, I was in bed and asleep shortly after 8pm. I woke at 11:30pm and went back to sleep until 3:30am. I didn't fight it. I got up feeling pretty good. We'll see how the day goes.

Saturday: Last night, I was in bed and asleep shortly after 9pm. I woke at 12:30am and went back to sleep. There the similarity ends. I slept until my alarm went off and slept through it until 5:30am. I did all right with my eating. Unfortunately, I turned my tummy inside out. I had veggies at first breakfast, fruit at elevensies, and veggies again at dinner, and I shouldn't have done that.

Sunday: Yes, after yesterday, I ended finally able to fall asleep at 2am. Yes, I was reading until that hour, but it was nice to have something pleasant to focus on. TMI? Maybe, but this is me trying to be aware of what's going on with me. I woke up this morning, without help, ie, no alarm, at 7am, unable to go back to sleep. Part of that was I was too warm.

Monday: Editing has started again. This means working until it's done, no matter when that is. Eating to stay awake. Not beating myself up. It's only for the week, because the deadline is Saturday. I can make it that far.

Tuesday: I've added avocado, using it instead of lettuce on a sandwich. Took an allergy pill, this morning, and feel a lot better. When I went grocery shopping I picked up avocados and raspberries. I enjoyed them both, and found them very filling. I did better at the Desert Rose meeting. I didn't eat every piece of bread I could reach. Instead of ordering a salad, I ordered vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. It's a single scoop, so it wasn't huge. It was yummy.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.