Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tracking my eating and sleeping...

Wednesday: Woke up at 3:30am, after sleeping 3 hours. Storms. Made Tall, Dark and Delicious Truffles, from Rhonda Plumhoff's Literary Chocolate cookbook. I enjoyed a tuna sandwich for breakfast. After living in Thailand where rice was part of breakfast instead of bread, I have no qualms about switching meals around. One of the Pumpkin Coconut Muffins from Kathy Altman (The Other Soldier) finished the meal.

Thursday: Feeling calmer and in better control. Didn't sleep particularly well. Nap helped. We're having stormy or potentially stormy weather. I'm grateful for the rain. I pray for God's protection for me and for the house. Funnily enough, I enjoyed making mac and cheese in the microwave.

Friday: I didn't sleep long, but I did sleep undisturbed, I think. The rest of the day was kind of weird. I'm not bingeing on any of the muffins or truffles. I am able to have them out and within easy reach and leave them alone. Huge! I slept for 3 hours in the middle of the day. I'm finding I prefer it. Again, I don't know why. I'm starting to wonder if there's a mind game going on.

Saturday: I woke at 2:30 am. I went back to bed, but didn't stay down long. Might as well make the time productive. Nap helped, but so tired it's frustrating. A bit of eating to stay awake. Not helpful. Trying tea, tonight. Almost forgot. Drank my tea and didn't go to sleep until 3am. Oops.

Sunday: Woke up with the alarm clock at 7am. Much to do. Made spaghetti. Finished the last of the garden zucchini. Alas. Make lavender pancakes and buttermilk syrup.

Monday: Made it to bed last night at 10pm and slept until 4am. Pretty good, for me. I've been more mindful of my eating...I'm always aware of what I eat, but so often it's wrapped in worry about having enough, not at the moment but running out of food. A lot of my bingeing is based on the feast or famine mentality. I'm overcoming that, little by little. Today, I've enjoyed every bite and reminded myself there's enough. I've been tired all day. I'm trying not to fret, but I do. Everything is in God's hands, not mine.

Tuesday: Stress. Yes, lots of stress. Comfort food for breakfast, ie, peanut butter and honey sandwich. Celebratory food for second breakfast, ie, ham and cheese croissant at P.Croissant with a dear friend, who helped me celebrate. Elevensies was another bit of bread and butter and Carnation instant breakfast. Luncheon/tea/dinner were celebrated at Mimi's Cafe with another dear friend. All in all, I didn't do too badly.

We've had storms blowing in and out for over a week. I'm one of those unlucky souls who struggles with barometric headaches. My sleeping has been erratic to say the least. I've been trying to play it cool, calm, collected, while enjoying the euphoria of becoming a published author. Saving grace: New edits for the next book showed up, today. Moving on.


  1. Sleeps been a huge problem for me. Doc has ordered a sleep study for Monday night. My sweet daughter is sure it is fear or sleeping alone. I don't have any problems when I sleep at her house. Stress is hard to overcome. Blessings!

    1. I hope it helps, Sharron. The doctor I work for has a sleep specialist in his office. It's true I slept better when I had a dog. She was my early warning system. Even when she was declining, and I was up in the middle of the night with her, I wasn't as tired. I'm typing this at 3:30 am, but I've had almost 7 hours sleep. I've been trying to conform to what fits "normal" until now. Now, I'm trying to figure out what fits me. Stress is a tough one. If you don't have any, you're dead. If you have too much, you're dead. Wish the body were better at distinguishing between good stress and bad, but it only understands the reaction, which is the same for both. What's the difference? How I respond to it. I'm learning how to respond differently. Keep me posted, Sharron.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.