Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #117...

~Today, I'm a guest at Risky Regencies. I've been following this blog for years. I never dreamed I'd find myself a part of the blog as more than a commenter. As I finished the final edits of A Promise of Possibilities, I fretted about doing the Riskies proud. I've learned so much from the authors who post there.
~We needed rain. Prayed for rain. God sent rain. Thanks God.

~Release day! I'm really a published author. Wow.

~Wonderful friends celebrated with me, making the day extra special.

~Awesome I miss my horse.

NASCAR ~ Bristol, Carl came in 22nd after running out of fuel short of the finish by 4 laps. *sigh*


  1. Congrats Judy on your enterview! How exciting for you. I'm a little confused with your two names...Laurel and Judy. Are they both your real names? Anyways, I was impressed with the comment
    "and this debut novel by Laurel Hawkes is amazing in its depth of characterization, its complexity (by that I mean its gritty realism -- the ugliness, and beauty, of real life as opposed to the shallow plots found in so many romances),"
    that your writing of characters is complex. That is a real compliment!

    I also LOVE this quote from you..."The characters' faith plays a significant role in the story. Both the heroine and the hero explore how God fits into their lives and their relationship." because it tells me your own heart is wanting to bring glory to our LORD!

    I have belonged to a Christians Writers Group for a very long time, and we write bring glory to our LORD. My own writing is only personal, or on my blog, ect. I admire your ability to write for publication of a book!

    I am very excited for you Judy/Laurel! I would love to see you write more about your own journey to being a writer. You know that is always a seller...because there are so many struggling writers that need the encouragment of a writer 'that made it!' :)
    God's blessings on you~ ♥♥♥

    1. Thanks, Cathy. Judy is my real name, and Laurel Hawkes is my pen name. I've written about it over on my blog under my author name.

  2. I'm sorry Judy...I must have missed that~ Love your writing~ ♥♥♥

    1. Not to worry, Cathy. I posted it before you started following blog, so unless you knew, you wouldn't know. ;-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.