Friday, March 8, 2013

I usually hate...

...the PBS pledge drives. Actually, I don't care much for the direction their programming is going. I used to enjoy the cooking shows, but they're going all whole grains, no sugar, no fat, no salt, vegan, or little meat, and so not what I eat let alone cook.

However, during the pledge drive, they have a couple programs on A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. I've never been diagnosed, but I share a lot of the same difficulties.

This time around they're running a program called A.D.D. and Mastering It. It's a list of things to do to help master A.D.D. I found a bunch of the suggestions truly helpful. I'm doing a lot of them. Item #25 is "List your strengths." I've been working on that one for the past month.

When the program is on again, I will watch it all the way through and take notes.


  1. That could be interesting! My son has struggled with ADHD all his life, and my husband, as well, to a lesser degree. My boy is coping now on his own without medication, but it's still there and always affects everything he does or tries to do. He has the ability to use his "hyperness" to an advantage to get him through a hard day at work, but is always drained afterwards!

    1. That sounds so much like me in so many ways.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.