Friday, March 15, 2013

Pi Day...

Yesterday, was National Pi Day. I celebrated with blueberry pie.

Note to self: I have no self-control when it comes to pie. Don't do it again.

Now, this begs the question: Why?

Pie is not my favorite dessert. It's nice.

Chocolate cake is my favorite or maybe my chocolate chip cookies. If they're both sitting in front of me, I'll probably choose a half serving of both rather than a full serving of one or the other.

So, what's with the pie?

I was stressing... the weather is warming up. I'm not ready. It's more than that.

I usually stop at P.Croissant on Thursday. I didn't today. Could it be something so small?

Or is it a myriad of things?

I had trouble staying awake all day. This does not help my eating. I want to go to bed early, but my room is 85 degrees, with a fan running. I'm stressed. Nope, I don't think it's missing P.Croissant. I'm too warm, which makes it difficult to think let alone concentrate on anything. The parents are not going to be happy about me turning on the A/C...


Yeah. I'm stressed.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.