Friday, January 28, 2011

Thank God for the internet...

As I watched the news of what is happening in Egypt, I'm so grateful I live here. Then as I watched the internet be completely shut down there, I thanked God for my internet connection. How it blessed me, today: My friend (we met on an LOTR fan board) who calls me every afternoon, after work, was able to email me to let me know she wasn't calling. Something else had come up, but we emailed back and forth a few times, catching each other up on our day. I'd also spent the afternoon emailing another friend (we also met through LOTR online), on the opposite side of the country from the first friend, sharing thoughts and concerns, encouraging each other. I touched base with several family members, via email and blogs. I found myself uplifted by several blog postings, today. I needed a funny website for a blog, and found it. I was sent some youtube links to enjoy. I needed a specific quote, a scripture, and a definition, which I found on the internet. I popped into Pandora, for a while, to enjoy a bit of music. I watched the next installment of The 7 and the Glenn Beck radio program. I checked up on a few friends on FB, one of whom I also met on the same LOTR online community as the two mentioned above, and some writing friends. I also pre-ordered a book from one of my favorite writers. I was sent several reminders from my calender, in my emails. And now I'm posting my own blog entry for the day. All on the internet, and that was only today. God has helped me make the internet a rich blessing in my life. I've always liked the prayer: God, please bless my computer; all my friends live there. :-)


  1. *giggles*

    You're absolutely spot on. All my friends live on my computer.

    BTW - I also use Skype quite a bit. Wondrous to be able to 'see' folk from all over the world and hear them and interact even more profoundly.

    Life is good.

  2. I haven't yet been able to work up the nerve to use Skype. As much as I use my computer, one of my friends once commented that mine is pretty much only a fancy word processor. :-)

  3. It made a huge difference to my parents when we got email ability when we were overseas -- we didn't actually have the internet until the last few months we were there, but we were able to send and receive email for several years before that. Up until then, we had to rely on aerograms which took 2 weeks to go and 2 weeks more to return for any news to be shared!

  4. Oh, my! I remember aerograms!! You're right; they took two weeks, unless they were re-routed. When I lived in Thailand a lot of my mail went through Jakarta first.

  5. The world is shrinking as we connect with people from all over. I am thankful for the internet especially with family in China.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...