Monday, September 26, 2011

Carpe diem... and NASCAR

NASCAR update first: Race Buddy broadcasted the race on Thank you! And another thank you because one of the in-car cameras was in Carl's car!! Whoohoo!! Which means I was driving with Carl for 300 laps. Squeeeeee!! The mosaic had a camera on the backstretch, so I could watch Carl drive out of turn two and watch his view and watch him coming down the back stretch, zipping into turn three. The other two in-car cameras were Dale Jr and Jimmy Johnson. They were frequently racing each other, today, so it was fun to see the point of view of both drivers! Carl Edwards came in 8th. Not bad for starting back in 23rd, and he is now 4th in the Chase. Go Carl!!!

Last weeks list of things to accomplish did well, so I'm trying it again.
~Make bread
~Trying a new author
~Visit from a friend

Done but for the last, but that one was out of my control. Life happens. A pretty good day.


  1. Wow, I bet that was fun! Kind of like when they put the mike on football players so you can hear what's going on while they play -- though usually we don't get to hear it until after the game!

    Did you get to see the Packers yesterday, or did your area show a different game? Thankfully our FOX local station cut away from the Lions/Vikings OT game so we could watch the Packers and Bears -- the Pack did cool stuff in the first 4 minutes, so we'd have missed it if they hadn't left the other game.

  2. It was amazing! And definitely fun!

    Sadly, no. Instead of the Packers, they were showing the Cardinals, and they lost. :-( I'm glad you were able to see the game!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.