Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week Ten of REAL...

The 26th: weigh in: 240.6 lb. One easy SEAL puppy rep. No pain killers for over 24 hours. Yay! I'm a bit sore, but it's bearable.

The 27th: weigh in: 240 lb. Two-mile walk, with my sister. One SEAL puppy rep. Shoulder is doing a little better.

The 28th: weigh in: 241.2 lb. I was stressing over the reaction to my latest hero. I still don't like confrontation, and I don't like to hurt the feelings of others, and yet, I felt cowardly for not acknowledging someone who has made such a huge difference in my life, over the last year and a half. Neither did I want him to be a "test" or a "gotcha." I wouldn't want to be him, but I admire him and appreciate that he has helped me to become the person I want to be.

The 29th: weigh in: 242.4 lb. Sigh. I'm frustrated with myself. I hate seeing the weight creep back up. One-mile walk.

The 30th: weigh in 241.4 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. It's only been two weeks since I messed up my shoulder. Sleeping on it isn't helping, but there isn't another choice. *pfft*

The 31st: weigh in: 241.4 lb. One-mile walk. One SEAL puppy rep. Sigh. Finished a half bag of Dove chocolates. Why do people who harass me about my weight give me such "gifts?" I have enough trouble sabotaging myself... Ah, I learned it somewhere....

September ~ Another month

The 1st: weigh in: 241.8 lb. Waist circumference: 40.5". Two SEAL puppy reps. I didn't feel any pain doing them, but I notice the shoulder is still sore. It really is frustrating sleeping on the side that is sore, and not having any other choice.

I started REAL ten weeks ago. I started keeping track of my weight, here, six weeks ago. I'm around the same weight. I started keeping track of my waistline five weeks ago, and I'm down a half inch. Because of my shoulder, my exercise routine is lighter. Ten weeks and what do I have to show for it? Time to be brutally honest. Not much seems to have changed. And yet, I fix my hair, every day. My work routine is better, and I'm meeting my work goals, though I'm still not bringing in enough to pay for basics. When I do start earning a paycheck again, the money will be better spent. I've discovered that I don't need to have bags of chocolate on hand, as long as I have my hot cocoa. (It's a food hoarding thing.) I like my bread, and I like making it. I'm eating more veggies. I'm learning to use what's in my food storage, rather than letting it slip past the expiration date. I go for walks three mornings a week. I do my SEAL reps six days a week. I'm learning to create Sunday as a proper day of rest, especially since I'm learning to work six days a week. Wow... I'm doing a lot I wasn't doing ten weeks ago. Upward and onward.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.