My sister posted the above article, at her blog, and I wanted to share it here.
I first came across Holly Gerth through DaySpring. This was posted on FaceBook, yesterday, and it warmed me. I needed the reminder.
For those who don't like the new FaceBook changes, go into Account, down to language, and where it says English US, change it to English UK. Like my sister, do NOT tell me what YOU think I'll be interested in, because I'm quite capable of making that choice for myself, and actually manage to do so every single day. Unfortunately, UK turned to the dark side, within hours. However, English (Pirate) is kind of fun.
And a cartoon that always makes me smile...

I'm pretty unhappy with the new FB changes. I really dislike that moving feed. I think if it would just hold still long enough I might be able to figure out where all my friends are and what they are doing, but I just can't concentrate on anything now. They seriously need to make this change optional for those of us who don't need things to change every five minutes.
ReplyDeleteToo bad the UK English option doesn't work anymore...
I HATE having someone else decide for me what I might be interested in. HULLO! I'm quite capable of deciding that for myself. STOP telling me what to do!! Okay, now I sound like a kid having a tantrum. Stupidheads. So there. :-D
ReplyDeleteHere's something that seems to work -- a suggestion from one of my FB friends. To make a work around for the new FB newsfeed, in your LISTS on the left side, make one for ALL your friends, so when you click on that list, you see ALL the posts you want to see... not JUST the one facebook THINKS you want to see. It involves clicking each friend you want to include so if you have a lot, it takes some time but it's worth it. Now, when I click my "Everyone" list, I see normal updates and don't see that annoying feed. Also, you can choose what kind of updates you want to see from that list, so I chose not to get games updates, but want everything else. ;-)
ReplyDeleteEureka! It works! Now to work on making sure my interests show up, too, since there are several groups I hang out with on a regular basis. Thanks, Margaret!! Whipping FB into shape. LOL!
ReplyDeleteInterests can be put in a list, too -- just choose "pages" instead of "friends" when making a new list. I also included both new lists in my favorites, so now it's easier to find. Have to click two lists to get friends and pages (ie, Packers!) but it's better than the other junk. Yay for whipping FB!
ReplyDeleteWoohoo. Thanks for all the great ideas.
ReplyDeleteMargaret, you rock!! Thank you!! This is fun. :-)