Monday, September 19, 2011

Carpe diem... change...

In the past, I've kept track of what I'd done during the day, and reported whether or not I "seized the day." Today, I'm trying something new. I'm posting what I plan to accomplish, today. Now, one of my dearest friends will declare that PLAN is a four-letter word and an invitation to said plan being disrupted. Maybe, but I want to see how the day goes. The worst that can happen is that I don't follow through on everything, but I will follow through on some things. So, where we go:

REAL ~ At this moment, I've already done my walk and SEAL puppy reps; so far so good.
Finish reading Arlene James' A Family to Share. She is on my Must-Read list.
Projects that require some attention, today.
Sign up for Race for the Cure.
NASCAR ~ The race was rained out, yesterday, so it's running, today. Whoohoo!

Done. :-)


  1. I love your idea! It's brilliant! I wish you the best of luck on your latest project!!!

  2. Thanks, Jen. Best wishes on The Beginner Housewife and the new blog.

  3. Woohoo We are walking together. Thanks for being there with me. :)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.