Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #69

This needs to be shared... I hope Alice doesn't mind. It was the perfect start to my Sabbath.

~Cooler weather! At last! We will not live in eternal summer. I knew that, but it's difficult to remember sometimes, after months and months of heat.

~I believe I've mentioned the living lawn ornaments that have taken possession of the yard (feral cats). Because it's cooling down, they are playing more. What fun!

~Much needed rain, this week.

~Amazing friends that are blessedly supportive.



  1. Sweet friend ~ Praise were blessed and want to share!!! Just so you know, I am always blessed by your blog, reading about the in's and out's of your days, your thoughts and your new spiritual revelations!! You have always been one of the most faithful "commentors"....and it always greatly blesses my heart and life to see your profile picture in my comment section! I pray your Sabbath continues to bring you much peace, love, and joy!! Much Love ~ alice

  2. Bless you, Alice! And thank you.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.