Tuesday, September 6, 2011


NASCAR ~ Carl Edwards won the Nationwide race. YAY!! Sprint Cup was rained out on Sunday, and then ran today. It was fun to see J.J. Yeley in the lead for a few laps. Whoohoo! Trackpass broadcast the radio portion of the race. Thanks PRN. It was fun to hear them chatting with Carl in a brief interview, while they waited for rain/mist to clear, again. Then they called the race all the way to the exciting finish. Carl came in 5th, today, and 3rd in the Chase. Whoohoo! Go Carl! It's also fun to see his comments on FB. LOL!


  1. Carl's really doing well this year, isn't he? Yay! What fun!

    We're looking forward to Thursday night NBC Football -- the Packers are opening the regular season in Lambeau againts the Saints! :-D

  2. Hey Judy...I have missed you! I moved my blog site and lost all my follower from before, and I didn't know how to get them back. I hope you are well...and I look forward to keeping in tuned to what is going on in your world, again!! Much love ~ alice

  3. Hi, Alice! I wondered where you went. Glad you're back. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.