Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Follow through...

Yesterday, I started my assignments. What I planned to do, I did. But there's still so much to do. So much to learn! I admit it: I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I'm reading The Snow Angel by Glenn Beck and SEAL of My Dreams by a variety of romance authors.

I've posted this picture before, but it's Tuesday again, and it's simply so cute!!


  1. I know you and Ruth don't plan out your posts. But it always makes me smile when I see similar themes between the two of you on any given day. You really are sisters. :o)

  2. "What I planned to do, I did."

    From Ruth's blog today: "Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it. - Margaret Thatcher"

  3. I know the point of your post was more about being overwhelmed than it was being satisfied with all that you accomplished, but can I just say, I'M proud of you. Whenever I read your posts, I feel pride because I think you work everyday. And you work really hard. I think you accomplish a lot of really great things, for yourself and for others.

    I appreciate that you take the time to read my posts and you comment on them. I appreciate your insights too.

    And the cute pictures.

    Thanks Judy.

  4. LOL!! Yes we are. We do talk a lot, so I suppose it only follows that we're thinking about the same things sometimes. One of us will trigger ideas in the other. :-)

  5. Eep! I missed the other two comments. I love Margaret Thatcher.

    It does help to have someone else remind me that I'm doing well. Thank you!

    And you're welcome. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.