Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Back in December 2009, I decided I was tired of the Resolution Rat Race. It annoyed me no end that making promises to one's self to change was treated like a huge joke. I truly wanted to change my life. I needed to change my life. I didn't want to hear the jokes about not making it through January Second. What was the point?

Being the problem solver that I am, I went to work mulling over possible solutions. In December, I used one of my Christmas cards for myself. Within it, I wrote out the gifts I planned to give to myself for Christmas throughout the coming year. I accomplished them, to a certain extent. Last Christmas, they all made it on my list of Gifts to myself, again, in varying forms. I realized they were gifts I wanted to give to myself, every year, for the rest of my life. Now, I hold to those gifts, but starting this year, I'll add more specifics. This year, for the first time, I'm going to give myself gifts in what I consider to be seven overall areas of my life: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Writing, Social, Giving.

This year's Christmas Gifts to Myself:

1. I allowed lack of funds to curb my Just Because It's Tuesday gifts. I want to learn to do it without spending a lot of money.

2. Lose the fat. A friend posted a picture showing the difference between 5 lb of fat and 5 lb of muscle. It made an impression. I'm not going to think of it as losing weight, but losing fat.

3. Kindle - I need an ebook reading device.

4. Finish two more novels, in addition to becoming in every sense of the words a published author. I want to learn how to write articles.

5. Do more about my appearance. I know I'll feel more comfortable in social situations if I feel more comfortable with my appearance. I've allowed a lot to slide because I wanted to pretend like it didn't matter. It does.

6. I enjoy natural beauty products, especially making my own, but I haven't done much of it, ever. This year, I'm going to do more of it. I have incredibly sensitive skin, and can't use a lot of products. Natural products, I make myself, seem to be easier on my skin.

7. Continue to be a blessing.


  1. I always make resolutions because I think it's important to look at what needs changing and doing something about it to make myself a better person. It shouldn't be a joke, but people do seem to not take is as seriously as they should! I actually like your method for dealing with it, and might have to try something similar to this in the coming year. Some things have to change, or I won't be able to cope like I want to with all the things coming my way. It sounds like this method is more effective than making a list of resolutions that is little more than a to do list that gets ignored as soon as it gets difficult!

  2. The List of Doom! LOL! I realize now that it helped that I have friends who have taught me how to embrace presents, so that now I can't imagine not wanting a gift that is thoughtfully given not to be used as leverage or control but because it will bring joy into my life. Thanks ((Margaret))

  3. Hi Judy, wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you achieve your goals. You deserve it.
    XX Molly

  4. Thank you ((Molly)) I'm hoping for the best for you as well.

  5. You are doing amazing! Let me know how/if I can help!

  6. As soon as I can talk myself into it, Kathy. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.