Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week Twenty-Three of REAL...

The 25th: weigh in: 237.4 lb. No surprise, after al the delicious food, yesterday. One SEAL puppy rep.

The 26th: weigh in: 237.4 lb. Leftovers. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. One SEAL puppy rep. Two-mile walk. One SEAL puppy rep.

The 27th: weigh in: 237.2 lb. Whoohoo! I was worried that with the holiday, I would slip up the scale again. Nope. Well done.

The 28th: weigh in: 237.2 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk. One SEAL puppy rep.

The 29th: weigh in 237.8 lb. Not going to complain... well, actually, I've been complaining to myself, so I'm stopping now.

The 30th: weigh in: 237.4 lb. One SEAL puppy rep. One-mile walk. One more SEAL puppy rep.


The 1st: weigh in: 236 lb. Waist circumference: 40". Cool. I really like this new schedule, and it seems to be working for me on several levels. We'll see what the coming week brings.


  1. Hi Judy

    Just found out what a seal puppy rep is (I googled it), then I tried it; tried being the operative word…you must be supple if you can do that. My hubby nearly did himself an injury laughing at me! Actually I laughed too whilst in the process and nearly put me neck in spasm. On the positive side I’ll count that as a few minutes of internal jogging.

    Keep up the good work!

    Molly :)

  2. LOL! Thanks, Molly!

    Maybe I better clarify what a SEAL puppy rep is to me. I think I only mention it once or twice in all my meanderings. I took what the minimum requirement is to be accepted into SEAL training, then adjusted it.

    1. A 500-yard swim using the breast or sidestroke in 12 min 30 sec.
    2. A minimum of 42 pushups in 2 min.
    3. A minimum of 50 sit-ups in 2 minutes.
    4. A minimum of 6 dead-hang pull-ups.
    5. A 1-1/2 mile run in 11 min 30 sec wearing boots and long pants.

    There is no way on the planet I can accomplish that. My back is a mess, and so is my ankle, which caused the back problem. That being said, instead of giving up and saying I can't do it, I decided to create my own routine. In The Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell talks about all the flutter kicks they do to build core strength. So, I looked at what was there and decided what I could do. Since it's based very loosely on the SEAL routine, I gave it the name SEAL to remind me that I was working to be stronger. But since it's so tiny, I feel like I'm a perpetual puppy, never to run with the big dogs. And each is a series of 10, hence the reps.

    My SEAL puppy reps consist of 10 girl pushups, 10 crunches, and flutter kicks to the count of 10. Mind you, I started with 1 and have worked my way up.

    So there's the truth. Not impressive at all to anyone but me. :-)

  3. Thanks Judy, for clarifying a SEAL puppy rep. I didn’t realise you meant a Navy SEAL. The exercise I found was a Pilates ‘one; hence the double jointed maneuver and my beloveds unbridled merriment ;D

    I love it when I learn something new, thanks again. Your SEAL reps sound more sensible, and less likely to cause injury. Good for you, I admire your tenacity.


  4. Ooooo I would not even attempt Pilates. I've seen the tapes, and think, "Your body can do that?" However, if there hadn't been this little miscommunication, on my part, we'd have missed out on a laugh. Thanks, Molly!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.