Friday, December 2, 2011

My SEAL puppy reps...

Yesterday, it was pointed out that seal puppy is also a Pilates routine. Though I posted a reply in the comments, I thought it might be a good idea to make it today's post. So, this is me clarifying what a SEAL puppy rep is to me. I think I only mention it once or twice in all my meanderings.

The creation of my SEAL puppy reps was brought on when I read Marcus Luttrell's The Lone Survivor. I was impressed, to say the least, on many levels.

This is the minimum requirement is to be accepted into the Navy SEAL's training program:

1. A 500-yard swim using the breast or sidestroke in 12 min 30 sec.
2. A minimum of 42 pushups in 2 min.
3. A minimum of 50 sit-ups in 2 minutes.
4. A minimum of 6 dead-hang pull-ups.
5. A 1-1/2 mile run in 11 min 30 sec wearing boots and long pants.

There is no way on the planet I can accomplish that. My back is a mess, and so is my ankle, which caused the back problem. That being said, instead of giving up and whining that I can't do it, I decided to adapt, and created my own routine. In The Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell also talks about all the flutter kicks they do to build core strength. So, I looked at what was there and decided what I could do. Since it's based very loosely on the SEAL routine, I gave it the name SEAL to remind me that I was working to become stronger. But since what I do is so tiny in comparison, I decided I'm more like a perpetual puppy, never to run with the big dogs. I'm okay with that. At least I'm a puppy instead of a bump on a log. And the grouping I chose is done in a series of 10, hence the reps.

My SEAL puppy reps consist of 10 girl pushups, 10 crunches, and flutter kicks to the count of 10. Mind you, I started with 1 and have worked my way up. So when I do two SEAL puppy reps, I've done a total of 20.

So there's the truth about my SEAL puppy reps. Not impressive at all to anyone but me.


  1. I'm impressed. I think I'd end at the girl pushups. LOL <3

  2. Thanks for dropping in, Brenda. I have to admit that's why I started with 1, then added 1 every day or 2 or 3, until I was able to do 10.

  3. Funny thing, I Googled Seal Puppy reps yesterday out of curiosity after reading your post - thanks for the clarification, you read my mind! Are flutter kicks the kind where you lay on your stomach and kick up your legs and raise your hands, to work the lower back?

    You go girl!!

  4. Thanks, upsi!! Navy SEAL flutter kicks are lying on your back with your feet lifted six inches off the floor and kicking your feet, like swimming. (Not big; little.) It sounds so easy, and then I tried it. It's actually been the most difficult of the three, for me. I'm proud to say I'm doing much better.

  5. I think it's impressive that you're doing something! Most people just complain and do nothing - like me! I think I will start your version of SEAL puppy reps!

  6. Go you, Leigh!

    I really am quite proud of myself for finding something that works, and I'm able to stick with, for months now.

  7. We had talked about for a long time. However reading them now, I could do these. (May need to modify the girls push ups, I have kneemonia. I get on my knees and I moan.) ;) Thanks

  8. My knees don't do well either, which is why I only do 10 at a time.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.