Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Heroes... DF...

That would be Dear Friends. This is long over due, except that I didn't quite know how to approach it. There are family members I include in this, and friends I've met and friends I haven't. There are friends that I know through different groups I associate with online and in person. What they all have in common is that because of my association with them I am a better person. In each, I see something that I want to make an increased part of my life, be it enthusiasm, passion, courage, faith, steadfastness, loyalty, kindness, hope, love, etc.

Every good thing comes from God. I've lost count of the number of times I've sought the Lord in prayer, needing one thing or another, and invariably, the vast majority of the time, God sends someone who says or does or is an example of exactly what I need.

God is aware of what we need before we ask it, but sometimes it's important to ask.

Thank you, Dear Friends, for all you give me.

I don't know which widget/gadget I found this in, but it makes me smile:


  1. I love that picture. DF I like it... You know that goes both ways. :)

  2. Hi Judy

    This is a lovely post, full of love and friendship. Experience has taught me that our true friends are always there for us when we need them.
    There are friends for a reason, friends for a season and friends for life. Friendship will never go out of fashion!!

    The photo is lovely, wouldn’t life be wonderful if we could all live in such harmony.


  3. Thanks, Molly! I love that perspective on friendship. Now that I'm becoming healthy, I'm developing friendships that are definitely for life, for which I'm grateful.

    Years ago, we had a dog and cat that were friends. I loved watching them.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.