Monday, August 27, 2012

Carpe diem... Live moves on...

Somehow, the publication of my first book, though momentous, did not stop the world or my life. It did wear me out a bit. LOL! A part of me is still in shock: I started this adventure ten years ago, never imaging where it might lead. Six years ago, I started this particular book. Five years ago, I finished it, submitted it, and had it rejected by the publisher I thought was my dream publisher. Thank you, God, for that last blessing. There was nothing within me to suggest this book would ever see the light of day. Up until it went live on the 21st, I kept thinking something would go wrong. Now, I'm still trying to process it's real, all the while I'm working on what comes next. None of this changes the fact that there are things needing to be done. Like:

Laundry. :-D





  1. Just enjoy your success and get that laundry done so you'll have clean clothes to wear! LOL The laundry keeps us humble doesn't it?! ♥

    1. Nothing quite like a reality check. I can live with it. :-)

  2. It was wonderful, I didn't take time yesterday to tell you, as I wasn't feeling great, but I should have. Now, please keep writing and editing, or what will we have to read in the future???

    1. LOL! Thanks ((Janet)) I'm in the midst of madly editing right now, but obviously taking a short break. :-)


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...