Friday, May 10, 2013

Eating healthier week 5...

Friday: Did okay with eating today. Eating closer to normal. I did more small meals today. I think this is closer to the truth. Some days I only want two or three regular meals, and some days I want five or six little meals.

Saturday: Working in the yard is always a little rough of me. Today, I remembered to drink some Gatorade. I've tried A LOT of different sports drinks. I'm an experimenter. I'm the one who had three different recipes for Angel Biscuits and I tried all three. I kept two and trashed one. I avoid sports drinks, for the most part, but nothing helps the dehydration of working outside in the heat like Gatorade. 

Sunday: Woke up to day three of a headache. It was worse, today. Ended up sleeping in the afternoon. Tried to keep meals simple so as to not upset my tummy.

Monday: Hmmm... having trouble with eating today... as in grazing all day... Am I eating because I'm frustrated by my weight, or am I overtired, or is it something completely different that I haven't figured out yet? Oh, the possibilities...

Tuesday: Eating badly... really badly...

Wednesday: Not improving...

Thursday: This is not helping. Five weeks of paying close attention to what I eat, and I'm eating worse. Worse than when I started the whole REAL program. So, this is the last week I do this. Not a failure, simply not the results I anticipated. The experiment taught me to be aware of food but not focus on it. Live and learn.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.