Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Just a thought...

I'm learning about Memorial Day and what it really means. No, I did not grow up knowing. Now I do.

I realize my proposal will probably go no further than this blog, and I'm okay with it. I simply needed to put IT out there.

The President and his administration and all involved in Congress:

*Paid the same as those in our military.
*Same benefits as those in our military.
*Same retirement as those in our military.
*Money saved goes to helping those injured serving in our military.

If you perform your duty, you receive a raise equal to what one in the military receives.

Mr. President and Congress, you are PUBLIC SERVANTS. Act like it.

You chose this.

You don't like it, feel free to leave. If you leave in disgrace, you forfeit everything.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.