Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Yes, I'm making another change to REAL...

A very small change. I'm going to weigh once in a while. Maybe the first of the month or there abouts.

I saw on Pinterest a cute idea of having a glass full of marbles and an empty glass. The marbles represent each pound needed to be released. As they go, marbles are moved from one glass to the other.

Learning to be nice to me, I'm starting with my high weight: 250 lb. Or at least the highest I'm willing to deal with. My doctor would like to see me down to 160 lb. That's 90 marbles. I don't have marbles. (No jokes from the peanut gallery. Thank you.) I do, however, have pie beans.

What are pie beans you may ask?

When you need to cook a pie crust before filling it, you run the risk of it rising. This is a problem because it will collapse when you put in the filling. Broken pie shell. Messy pie slices. Forking does not always work. However, you can set a piece of foil in the shell a pour a layer of beans over it. You can also use pie weights, but they cost more than dry beans.

I haven't used my pie beans in years.

A dear friend gave me a pair of lovely, matching glasses. There are now 13 beans in one and 77 beans in the other.

Moving a bean from the released glass to the need to release glass will not be allowed to be traumatic. Life happens. I embrace all of me or none of me because the one person in this world I cannot escape is me. Only by embracing all of me will I be able to face the parts I want to change. If I won't look at those parts, how will I know they're there? If I don't embrace them, how will I learn if they're a problem or a symptom? If I don't embrace them, how will I ever be able to figure out how to change them?

I'm hoping that if I make it more fun, I won't panic so much about losing weight. It will give me something else to think about besides comments from the peanut gallery.

1 comment:

  1. The question that struck me is "if they're a problem or a symptom?" I recognize that many of my challenges are symptoms from dealing with different problems. Interesting, I haven't thought of it that way before.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.