Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Phoenix Rising series...

Gail R. Delaney is one of those authors on my must read list. I love her humor. Her characters are vivid, and her world building is reminiscent of Star Trek and StarGate. It's different enough to call her own, and yet a similar enough flavor I feel comfortable stepping into her world without difficulty.

Phoenix Rising is the next series after Phoenix Rebellion. The books are not stand alone, but for those who love series, these are satisfying reads. As each book ends, I want to go onto the next. I finished Janus. Triad is out next month. Not fast enough, but what do you do?

There are twists and turns... reminiscent of a roller coaster ride. I laughed and cried and fretted and cheered.

Note to self: Next time I read one of Gail's books, I will not plan anything else for the duration because once I start reading, I cannot put the book down.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.