Friday, May 17, 2013

Follow up on food stuff...

No, I'm not going back on my decision to not follow my food intake so closely. I do want to share what I'm learning about myself. Maybe something will click with someone else. Maybe not.

It's Friday the 10th. I woke up knowing I would not be following my diet as closely. I wanted to do a happy dance. THAT tells me a whole lot.

Because I finished the rewrite, yesterday, I made cookies, jello, and spaghetti. It was fun!

I tried using half coconut oil and half butter, and the cookies aren't the same. The richness in the depth of the flavors is lost. I used 1/4 coconut oil and 3/4 butter, last time, and it was still yummy.

This time, I made raspberry jell-o and used the can of peaches that were "expiring." I saved the peach juice and will use it in pancakes in a few days.

Usually I divide up the spaghetti sauce with the pasta. This time, I saved a little out. I have discovered I enjoy using spaghetti sauce instead of ketchup on my hamburgers. Really.

I've actually eaten incredibly well today, particularly compared to what I have been eating.

I've also noticed that I'm listening to K-LOVE again. This begs the question: Is my improved outlook due to listening to K-LOVE or am I listening to K-LOVE because my outlook has improved?

After trying to find a meal plan that works for me, I'm turning to the scriptures, starting here:


  1. Judy, during my 100 day challenge to eat a Daniel diet or something healthy, I've tried everything, and still not lose weight, which I know I need to do for my health and get off some medications. I have thought that I will eat simply non-processed as possible, and as plain and simple as possible. A piece of meat or fish, a veggie or salad, and no other things except maybe a piece of fruit. I do not see anything wrong with whole grains or WG breads, but I need to lose weight. I think it is great to finally figure out what is working for you!

    Also, thank you for praying for my son Ryan. He especially needs to be on your list for prayer as his job is intensified. Thank you to anyone else praying for him!


    1. You might like the Whole 30 program. I know their idea is to eventually add things in after the first 30 days of strict eating.

      I simply know me, and I have a whole passel of issues with food that have nothing to do with nutrition. I've decided not to fight me anymore. Instead, I'm going to see if I can learn to cooperate with myself.

      I've learned to friend some of my fears in order to conquer and/or learn from them. I haven't really addressed this one as a fear. Maybe I'm ready.

      Keeping Ryan on my prayer list. I pray for him every day.

  2. P.S. Oh...your question reminds me of which comes first, the chicken or the egg. It really doesn't matter because they both have to work together or they don't work at all!!! ;)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.