Monday, May 9, 2011

Carpe diem... indeed...

Dug up cannas; miserable things are like weeds. They keep trying to take over the roses. Pruning trees and blackberry bushes. Blackberry bushes have a natural defense of razor sharp thorns. They also grow suckers that bear no fruit but are taller than the bushes so you have to go through them to reach the berries, and the thorns are bigger. Snip. Snip. The berries are starting to ripen. Now, if only the heat will hold off long enough... Laundry; Done. Added another author to my no list. It wasn't horrible, but little things kept yanking me from the story. Read another chapter of Lone Survivor. Wow. Yes, I take a little break after each chapter. It's intense reading, and I'm learning so much. Worked on a few things I've wanted to finish. It was a productive day. I at least touched on everything I wanted to do, today, even if I didn't finish everything. Won't complain about a day like that.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.