Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Listen to the niggles...

They may be meaningless. They may not matter. Then again, they might. Last week, I had a little niggle that I ought to turn in my bill, for my work, last week. It would be a little early, but not much. I held to my end-of-the-month deadline. Sigh. The client is out of town this week! If I'd turned it in, I would have been paid, this week, instead of next. No one's fault but mine. Live and learn.

So as not to be too hard on myself: I had a little niggle to go ahead and prep everything for a meeting, this evening, with someone who is helping me. We had a lovely chat, but they wanted me to email the information instead. Was it a waste of time and energy? Actually, it wasn't. It gave me the opportunity to re-read, and I found some needed changes.

This morning, I had to do a little driving. I had a niggle to check the passenger door. I did. It held firm. Once I hit the freeway, at 65 mph, there was a terrible whistling. I wondered if the door were slightly ajar, except that I knew it was not, because I had checked. I was careful, and checked the door again when I arrived at my destination, where I discovered that the window wasn't completely closed. What if I hadn't checked, so I could assure myself that the door was shut tightly?

God's ways are not man's ways. Learn God's ways. They may be harder in the short run, but they are always better in the long run.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.