Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More "It's All About 4 Freakin' Things"

Frodo's answers:

Four Places I go:

1. The Green Dragon, with Sam, Merry, and Pippin.
2. Rivendell, where someone will take care of the Ring.
3. Mordor, that someone was me.
4. Grey Havens, to go over the Sea.

Four Crushes I Have:

1. Old Winyards
2. First breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, tea, and dinner.
3. The Shire.
4. A gold circular object.

Four Smells that I Love:

1. The Shire in Spring.
2. Rivendell, anytime.
3. Lothlorien.
4. Grey Havens.

Four Favorite TV Shows:

1. Food Network
2. Travel Channel
3. History Channel
4. SyFy

Four Favorite Movies:

1. Lord of the Rings
You mean there's anything else?

Four Recommendations:

1. Don't leave home with Ringwraiths on your trail.
2. Don't snitch mushrooms from Farmer Maggot.
3. Trust your friends not to leave you alone, even if you want them to do so.
4. Never accept gold circular objects, especially from slightly daft uncles.

Four People that I'd love to read their Fours:

1. Sam
2. Merry
3. Pippin
4. Gollum/Smeagol (Is that four or five?)

Four Things about me that you don't know:

1. My name was originally Bingo.
2. On Weathertop, I actually stabbed the Witch King's foot BEFORE dropping my sword.
3. I rode Asfeloth across the Ford, without any help from Arwen, thank you very much.
4. I did not try to send Sam home.

Four bands that I love:

1. Does it count if it's all the same band? I was pretty obsessed with it.


  1. Judy, thank you for visiting Donna Hatch's blog and reading her interview with me. I appreciate you deciding to read my books. You're the best!

  2. You're welcome, Marsha. I'm always looking for interesting new authors to read.

    For those reading this, you can kind Marsha Ward's website by clicking on her name, and the interview at Donna's blog:

  3. Well, shoot. " can FIND Marsha Ward..." *eye roll*


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.