Thursday, May 19, 2011


Have I been snarky, lately? That would be a resounding yes. There have been several things going on, all at once. I'm feeling short-tempered, insecure, out of sorts, afraid, paranoid, and questioning my own sanity. That being said, it isn't the first time I've gone through this. I'm sure it won't be the last. I will make it through, like I always do. Add to all that some serious back pain, though that is improving, allergies, which are temporary, and a huge dose of uncertainty regarding my future, and yes, I'm a bit snarky. I wish I were one of those people who perpetually sees the silver lining along every cloud. It only takes being hit by the proverbial lightening bolt, on more than one occasion, to know that sometimes you have to survive some wicked storms to find the silver lining.

On a different note: I love grilled cheese sandwiches. I've perfected my own recipe. Butter, not that fake stuff, in a pan on top of the stove on medium heat. White bread, not the balloon stuff: "Swipe" one slice in the pan. There will be enough butter for the second slice that you lay in the pan. Mild cheddar cheese, sliced from an 8 oz block: Takes about 6 pieces to cover the bread. Lay the top on, butter side up, and cook in the fry pan for a minute or two, pressing the top down with the spatula. Carefully lift and check that the bread is nice and brown. Flip. Press with spatula. Allow to cook another minute or two, until a perfect brown. Remove from pan, and smear with fresh blackberry jam. Definitely adding it to my repertoire.

I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life, and I am so very grateful for their guidance, inspiration, and encouragement.


  1. It's still possible to see (or at least acknowledge) silver linings in clouds, even when one is feeling snarky. I think snarkiness adds clarity and reality to one's vision, actually! :-D

    Yum, grilled cheese. My favorite thing to have for breakfast. I'll have to try it with the jam.

  2. Wow. It's lunch time over here. And that grilled cheese sounds fantastic.

    I'm thinking that there must be something in Food that is related to your post in some odd way. Can't put my finger on it though...Do you find that when you get upset, you turn to food? DH is like that. He LOVES making sandwiches, it's a passion of his. I find it interesting that you talked as long about that delicious sounding sandwich, as you did your most recent bout of "snarkiness." I think there is an answer in there somewhere!

    Anyway, thank you for sharing this recipe. I'm going to try it!!

    And by the way, I don't always think snarkiness is a bad thing. :o)


  3. LOL! Snarkiness adds clarity! Thanks, Margaret!

    Actually Jonsi, in a way, you're right. Thanks for pointing it out. Maybe I need to make a post about that...


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.