Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #51

~Follow up on the ceremony, at The Blaze, regarding the USS Michael Murphy. God bless.

~My dear friend Mary Ann emailed me, today, and wished me a Happy Nurturer's Day. I like that. There are so many people without children but nurture others, and lots of moms who nurturer others who are not actually their children, so Happy Nurturer's Day. I've been blessed with many nurturers, particularly in the last nine years. One of the most vivid memories was when I had to put my horse down, and Mary, who I only knew from online interactions, offered to do whatever I needed. I wasn't sure what to ask. We'd never met. We'd never talked on the phone. I was going to have to let my guard down and give a "total stranger" my phone number. She didn't push. I asked if I could call her, at work, the day after, because it would be the first time in five years (except for a one-week vacation the year before) that I wasn't going out to grain and groom my horse first thing. She agreed. This opened the door to an incredible group of friends, forever friends. It wasn't long after that, when I made a comment on the LOTR boards, another online friend, Margaret, emailed me privately and asked if I was all right. She had read between the lines. Because of Mary, I also met Jan, who invited me to a Howard Shore lecture in L.A. We met for the first time, at the airport, when she picked me up. I was introduced to Debbie, who has also become a dear friend. Mary and I finally met about three years later. Through those same LOTR boards I met Edd and Sharon, who live close to me, and we go to the local Ren Faire, every year. Connie found me through my fanfic, and we met at an LOTR event. Connie introduced me to Mary Ann, through emails, a few years ago, but we didn't meet until this year. Through the LOTR boards, I've met Sharon and Sharon, both amazing women. Mary introduced me to Diane Gaston's books, and I was blessed with another friend. And those are only some of my LOTR friends. There are so many more from a variety of places. I may feel unlovable, from time to time, but it's impossible to say that no one loves me.

~The internet!!

~Go Carl Edwards!! He's a new daddy, this week, for the second time; momma Kate delivered a son, so their daughter is now a big sister. I'm so happy for them. Carl came in a very classy second at Darlington, and is still number one in the NASCAR Sprint Cup points. Congratulations to Regan Smith on the win.


  1. What lovely connections. Congratulations to Carl for the new baby boy. Quite a Mother's day present.

  2. Yep, Carl acknowledged that. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.