Monday, May 16, 2011

Carpe diem... there are days...

...and there are days, and this is one of those weeks.

I could berate myself for not doing laundry, for not making cookies (I'm out of my favorites), for not going for a walk, for not picking more blackberries, for allowing those nasty rat thoughts way too much time in my head, but I'm not.

Books arrived, today. I've been waiting for Lucy Monroe's For Duty's Sake, for three years. Zahir was introduced in another book, and I wondered about his story. Yep, curled up and read it. It was worth the wait. It's a Harlequin Presents, which is a formula romance, but I always love Lucy's characters. They don't lie to themselves, which is frequently the conflict. Feelings are hurt. Perspectives are misunderstood. And often it's a case of what they thought they believed, they learn they don't. It's helpful to see the questioning process in print.

More important, I may not have accomplished much, but the rough draft I needed to create is done. Tomorrow, I edit. If that is the only thing I accomplished, then it was a day well spent.


  1. I did some long overdue editing yesterday, and then couldn't stop -- so instead of writing as I had planned, I just edited and reread in the process. In one sense, it was a waste of time that might have been better used doing something else, but I don't regret it. I thoroughly enjoyed the reading and what I edited was made better by it. It's all a matter of perspective -- so what if you didn't get done some of the things you MIGHT have been able to do or thought you ought to do? You accomplished something important to you and you enjoyed yourself and your books. You'll probably have a better outlook now for dealing with the laundry when the time comes. ;-)

  2. ((Margaret)) I always appreciate how you remind me of what matters. Thanks.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.